Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love comes through Acceptance.

When we learn to JUST BE we'll understand it.  When we Listen to the space in between our thoughts we will understand it.  When we don't judge anything we understand it.

What I mean by just be-ing is simply that.  It's not judging how we feel, it's simply recognizing how we feel and accepting it.

It's Recognizing and Accepting.

It can be anything in our lives, the pain we've gone through, the people who we believe are out to get us or who don't understand us, our reaction to something, our stress, our worries, etc.  Don't judge it, don't try to fix it, don't deny it, don't dwell on it.  Simply just be with it.  Recognize it, accept it then let it go.

Let it go.

The more we practice this the easier it will become.  Focus on your heart during the day when you're in the space between.  Joy will come with this practice.  Compassion will come into your lives.  Contentment and Peace and you'll experience a feeling of connection with all life.

Experiencing life through unconditional love is possible.  All we have to do is learn how to live from our heart centers through the practice of JUST BE-ing.

Love and Light,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Choose to place your attention

We are becoming more aware.  We are waking up.  We need to choose to place our attention on the uplifting of our vibration.

So many of us go through our days asleep, thinking we don't have a choice, reacting to life instead of creating life.  We identify ourselves with our daily habits.  Our reaction to our environment, our jobs, our interaction with our friends and family, our emotions, our aches and pains.

This is not who we are.

We are Co-Creators, We are Limitless, We are Love.

The key to uplifting our vibrations and becoming more alive and aware is to put our attention on those things that enhance us.  No longer should we give our powerful and sacred attention to things that bog us down, depress us, and creates fear in our lives.


Go into nature for a walk or to just sit and be, absorbing the healing, energizing energies that are there especially for us, listen to your favorite music that moves you and that creates a peaceful feeling in your soul, spend time with your animals.  When you are in your daily habits, pause and listen to your inner silence, breathe deeply and focus on your heart light, extend it out into your environment.  Notice when your thoughts are trailing into the negative and consciously change them by doing this.

We CAN do this.  It's our spiritual nature.  We just have to become aware of ourselves and choose to place our attention.

Love and Light,