Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just Thinking...

"Just as the rain started last night, I had a Dream.
I stood at a walled up doorway, knocking gently at first, then slamming my fists against the stones, demanding answers, wanting reasons, screaming: "You can't hide! Let me in! Tell me the truth! Let me in!"
In a deafening roar the wall crashed down, the stones crumbling before my eyes. Dust boiled up, and for a moment I could not see. Then...
I stood stunned, my raised fists trembling.
Because I had been knocking from the inside."
(From "The People of the Silence"  by Gear)

See... The answers are not outside ourselves.  In the illusion we feel separate and alone, we think that someone 'out there' that we feel is more in touch with spiritual things, someone who's psychic, someone else knows the answers and can give us reasons for our pain and suffering.  But this is the furthest from the truth.  Everything we need to know, want to know, be, do, have... it's all right here inside each and every one of us.  I know you probably think, "yeah right, I've heard all this before and no matter what I do, I still don't have the answers"  This is just your ego blocking you from the truth.  Remember the Dream?  Re-read it...

We are NOT separate and alone.

We feel each other.  We connect with each other.  The divine source some call God is in everything, INCLUDING US.   Thoughts are hovering in the air, moving through our minds.  Some we disregard, some we pay attention to.  These thoughts are the collective unconscious,  and are all of our thoughts.  We just think they are "ours" alone, that "I" thought up this great idea.  Really it's just an idea that's been floating along as a possible reality and you just happened to resonate with it and took action.  If you decided not to take action, the idea would float around again until someone did take action to bring it into existence.  Have you ever noticed that something you had an idea for that you did nothing with suddenly appears created by someone else?  You say, "Hey, that was MY idea!" Ownership is a huge illusion!  It's the ego's way of keeping us feeling separate.  We don't "own" anything.  Everything is temporary in this illusion.

It is possible to control your thoughts while still remaining open to the collective unconscious.  The ego has a lot to say and it can be very convincing!  It argues with our soul and usually wins.  It's the voice that tells us we're not good enough, we're dumb, we're ugly, we're alone, etc.  To over-ride the voice of the ego we need to learn how to connect with the divine source, your higher self, your soul.  This is a vibration, what's called your home frequency.  They say that through meditation is the way but really all you have to do to find it is to think about how you feel when you've been happy, felt joy and creative abandon. Think of those times in your life.   This is your home frequency and the vibration of your soul.  You can be in this vibration whenever you want to, you only need to remember.  This is the state of being your true self.  Whenever you find your ego wasting it's breath, reset to your home frequency.  After awhile, your ego voice will become dimmer and dimmer until it won't exist anymore.

In the state of your home frequency you see the light.  The walls WILL crash down around you and you'll truly know what it means to LOVE.

Love and Light,

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