Monday, January 24, 2011

My first post....

Who am I??  There are so many choices....  I hate making decisions.  I'd rather just go with the flow, that's what is comfortable to me.  But to ask Who am I??  I've been asking that since I've been born into this illusion.  Why should we label ourselves?  Why do we?  So that we can limit who we are?  Because that's what labeling ourselves ends up doing.  We play all of these roles and identify ourselves as those things.  

I'm a mother, a wife, an artist, a writer, a dreamer, a thinker, an observer, a wanderer, a creator, a multi-dimensional being.  I'm you, I'm me, I'm God.  I've been and will be everything, I AM.  We are of the light, all one, and we are waking up.  Waking up from the dream and emerging out of the illusion we all helped to create.  It is time.  

I will quote The Beatles here...  "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together."  From The Walrus.

I don't know if anyone will see this, I don't know if anyone really cares.  But if you do then this is for you and me.  Take what you will and throw out what doesn't resonate with you because what resonates in your soul, what strikes your tone is what your soul wants you to know.  So pay attention to how you feel, notice the book that jumps off the shelf at your feet or one that's misplaced at the book store or library, hear what someone just said on the subway that you've been wondering about for days now.  These are not coincidences.  There are no accidents.  Everything is in perfect order and everything is as it should be.  We are being contacted by our own souls whose voice has been drowned out by our egos.  This is our divine connection and it will come through in any way it can.  All you have to do is NOTICE.  Be still in your busy day, you can do it.  Find your center, your own personal vibration and JUST BE. Just be....  Can you even fathom that concept?  To not react, to not dwell, to not judge, just be... just... be.  It's the most peaceful thing you'll ever experience.  It's heaven on earth.

This is my way of reaching out and touching someone else's soul.  I hope you learn to enjoy life.

Love and Light,

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