Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fear Not

The first and foremost truth is Fear cannot exist in the space of Love.  If we truly experience love, we live in the light.  Fear is a manifestation of the darkness.  Living in fear limits us, imprisons us, and keeps us in slavery.  We have to let go of our fears because there really is NOTHING to fear.

There is NOTHING to fear.

I have had my experience with fear.  When I was a little lightworker I was almost constantly afraid.  I was afraid of people, I was afraid of the darkness, not the actual dark but the negative energies that were drawn to my light.  In focusing on this fear, I only drew more fearful things to me as I grew up.  I drew negative energies and negative people to me.  My greatest lesson in this life so far has been dealing with fear.  My fears have been conquered through understanding and awareness of the world I'm living in as a human being.  I think the greatest cause of fear is the unknown.  Our ego gets in the way and convinces us that we are helpless, that we aren't good enough, that we are small and powerless.

But we are NOT those things.

We are GREAT and LIMITLESS and at our core is PROFOUND LOVE!

Love does not judge, resent, envy, or condemn.  Love is not conditional.  Love is accepting, comforting, encouraging.  Love is PEACE.  I say again...  Where there is love there cannot be fear.  Open your hearts to your brothers and sisters in humanity.  Love them as you would love yourself.  Because they are you, we are all a part of each other and we are all in the same boat experiencing life on earth in this great time of change.

Fear not.

Love and light,

Monday, February 14, 2011


Forgiveness is a most important step in this shift in consciousness.  The shift into a higher frequency, into the Intuition Age, into heart consciousness.  We must be able to forgive others and ourselves.

I believe that there is actually NOTHING to forgive.  No matter what has happened to you or no matter what you have done to others.  Let me give you another way of looking at it.  I know it's a difficult thing to accept, I know because of the reactions I've seen when this is suggested.  I want you to be open-minded and open-hearted, this is a requirement, it seems, to understand this concept.

There is NOTHING to "forgive".  Even the word itself wouldn't exist in this awareness.  We have all made soul contracts.  These are contracts we have made with other people in order to experience something in order to learn something.  We have made these contracts before  incarnating into our bodies.  The people you might view as "enemies" are not.  Enemies don't exist.  We all come from the Divine Source.  We have all agreed to the experiences we experience here on earth in order to grow.

We have to ask ourselves in any situation "What have I learned from this experience?"  You may have developed a strength, independence, maybe you needed to get in touch with your emotions.  It could be anything.  We experience in order to learn.

When we hold onto hatred, anger, resentment because of this situation it only holds us in lower vibrations.  We have to let these things go.  The holding on to these emotions creates disease, stress, depression, and more.  Someone has to sign up to play the "bad guy".  We should be grateful to these souls who volunteer for these situations in order for us to learn something we require for our growth.  Here is something else very difficult to understand... There is NO Good or Bad.  Everything is good.  Everything is in our lives for our growth and we put it there.  We put the label "bad" on anything that doesn't feel good.  Why??  We learn most through suffering, that's why we come here.  It speeds up our learning process.

I only touch on these concepts.  I wish for you to be open-minded and open-hearted.  Love and accept your experience and those who have helped you to grow.  Let it go into the light, learn from it and be grateful for it.

Love and Light,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Angels wonder at our seriousness

Today, I Dance Lightly With Life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

This is the message that my guides have to keep reminding me of.  Lighten Up!!  

We take life so seriously that it creates stress and sickness to form in our lives and bodies.  Everything that we view as bad that happens to us is such a catastrophe that it devours our happiness and lowers our vibrations.  We need to raise our vibrations for the sake of humanity.  Laughter is most important medicine.  Find anything that makes you laugh and laugh so hard your eyes cry which releases tension, laugh so hard your chest and throat ache which opens your heart and throat chakras.  Seek out the joyful.  Do what makes your heart sing.  

Please don't hold onto anger, resentment, fear, and hate.  These are lower vibrations.  Forgiveness, love, acceptance, and gratitude are higher vibrations.  In order to let go of these things your perspective may require adjustment.  One of the biggest and most profound misperception in life is that we think  "Problems" ARE Problems.  Problems are only OPPORTUNITIES to recognize what needs to change in your life.  They point you in the direction your soul wants you to take.  Your soul wants something different and it communicates this through "problems".  Change usually is the result of these problems.  The problem itself is pointing in the direction where the change must take place.  If we resist the problem and hold onto it, we become sick, depressed, and stressed out.  We need to let go of these things and stop being so serious.  It's really not that serious.  

Allow yourself to fall into the "problem" examine it, be willing and open to the change it's suggesting or even sometimes forcing.  The universe will create opportunities for your growth, you've made a deal with the universe and your soul for these things to happen.  One thing I know with every fiber of my being is that the more you resist making the change the less choice your ego will have in the matter.  The soul will win and the universe will eventually force the change.  As in losing jobs, losing houses.  Our higher selves are teaming with the universe to force us to let go and make changes.  Why not be open to the change in the first place.  If you lose your job, you're supposed to do something else that brings you into a higher vibration.  Take the opportunity to find something you LOVE to do rather that what you feel you have to do.  If you lose your house and have to move in with extended family, maybe you've been cutting yourself off from relationships that could be important for your growth.  

The point is to relax a little and see opportunity rather than problems.  Let go of the old way of thinking and being. Open up to communication with your soul.  Be your authentic self and love life.

Love and Light,