Monday, February 14, 2011


Forgiveness is a most important step in this shift in consciousness.  The shift into a higher frequency, into the Intuition Age, into heart consciousness.  We must be able to forgive others and ourselves.

I believe that there is actually NOTHING to forgive.  No matter what has happened to you or no matter what you have done to others.  Let me give you another way of looking at it.  I know it's a difficult thing to accept, I know because of the reactions I've seen when this is suggested.  I want you to be open-minded and open-hearted, this is a requirement, it seems, to understand this concept.

There is NOTHING to "forgive".  Even the word itself wouldn't exist in this awareness.  We have all made soul contracts.  These are contracts we have made with other people in order to experience something in order to learn something.  We have made these contracts before  incarnating into our bodies.  The people you might view as "enemies" are not.  Enemies don't exist.  We all come from the Divine Source.  We have all agreed to the experiences we experience here on earth in order to grow.

We have to ask ourselves in any situation "What have I learned from this experience?"  You may have developed a strength, independence, maybe you needed to get in touch with your emotions.  It could be anything.  We experience in order to learn.

When we hold onto hatred, anger, resentment because of this situation it only holds us in lower vibrations.  We have to let these things go.  The holding on to these emotions creates disease, stress, depression, and more.  Someone has to sign up to play the "bad guy".  We should be grateful to these souls who volunteer for these situations in order for us to learn something we require for our growth.  Here is something else very difficult to understand... There is NO Good or Bad.  Everything is good.  Everything is in our lives for our growth and we put it there.  We put the label "bad" on anything that doesn't feel good.  Why??  We learn most through suffering, that's why we come here.  It speeds up our learning process.

I only touch on these concepts.  I wish for you to be open-minded and open-hearted.  Love and accept your experience and those who have helped you to grow.  Let it go into the light, learn from it and be grateful for it.

Love and Light,

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