Friday, May 27, 2011

Silent Observers Come Forth!

Stand aside and allow your higher self to move, to stretch.

It's time to emerge.

The silent observers are being recognized.

We all have been living a lie.  The egos illusions have been exposed.  This is causing mass hysteria which in turn causes our Mother Earth to shift her position.  She feels us and responds.  She is reacting to our fears and our unrest.  She mirrors us.  We are changing as she is changing.  We are all one.  What affects one, affects all.

Our third eyes are opening and the light is shining forth.  We are awakening.  In this, we are required to LOSE CONTROL, to LOSE OUR MINDS, to LOSE OUR GRIPS and start living from our heart centers.  Living from our hearts means to be in touch with how we are feeling.  Being out of touch with our feelings generates fear.  Our egos try to control our emotions and tell us feelings are weakness.  The silent observer recognizes this and accepts ourselves.

FEEL your self
LISTEN to your self
LOVE your self
ACCEPT your self
FORGIVE your self
OBSERVE your self
JUST BE your self

The silent observers in us all watch with love in their hearts and smiles on their lips and they wait patiently for us to offer them the reins and in their hands the bit will be removed and the harness is cast away because life is about freedom, it's about experience and life should be lived, not controlled.

Make way for Heaven on Earth.

Make way for LOVE.

Make way for our selves to emerge and converge.

Love and Light,

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