Friday, June 3, 2011

Follow Your Heart!

Chronic dissatisfaction is how you sense that you are living a lie."
~David Deida, Naked Buddhism

It's so very important to follow our hearts in the now.  It's time to get out of our heads.

We need to become aware of ourselves and our surroundings.  Feel how you're feeling around certain people.  How do you feel in your environment.  Ask yourself if you feel good or bad.  We need to make sure to surround ourselves with people we resonate with.  Our health depends upon it.  If you are around people that you don't resonate with it means your vibrations are clashing and when you are around them continuously you will begin to feel sick, tired, uninspired and unhappy.  Stop thinking that you have to, that you should and instead start saying I want to, and I'd love to.

Change your self.  Change your environment.  Change your mind.

Do you like what you do for a living?  Do you find yourself saying "I can't wait for the weekend!" If you do then you're not following your heart.  If you love what you do, it's not considered work.  You're following your heart.  If you believe you can't do what you love then you won't do what you love.  Believe that you can!!  Ask yourself what you wanted to be when you were little.  What did you love doing?  What games did you play?  What did you pretend?  These are clues to our hearts.  These things are what we still love but may have forgotten.  You can still do these things.

Do them!

Remember your hearts desires!

Love and Light,

Friday, May 27, 2011

Silent Observers Come Forth!

Stand aside and allow your higher self to move, to stretch.

It's time to emerge.

The silent observers are being recognized.

We all have been living a lie.  The egos illusions have been exposed.  This is causing mass hysteria which in turn causes our Mother Earth to shift her position.  She feels us and responds.  She is reacting to our fears and our unrest.  She mirrors us.  We are changing as she is changing.  We are all one.  What affects one, affects all.

Our third eyes are opening and the light is shining forth.  We are awakening.  In this, we are required to LOSE CONTROL, to LOSE OUR MINDS, to LOSE OUR GRIPS and start living from our heart centers.  Living from our hearts means to be in touch with how we are feeling.  Being out of touch with our feelings generates fear.  Our egos try to control our emotions and tell us feelings are weakness.  The silent observer recognizes this and accepts ourselves.

FEEL your self
LISTEN to your self
LOVE your self
ACCEPT your self
FORGIVE your self
OBSERVE your self
JUST BE your self

The silent observers in us all watch with love in their hearts and smiles on their lips and they wait patiently for us to offer them the reins and in their hands the bit will be removed and the harness is cast away because life is about freedom, it's about experience and life should be lived, not controlled.

Make way for Heaven on Earth.

Make way for LOVE.

Make way for our selves to emerge and converge.

Love and Light,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love comes through Acceptance.

When we learn to JUST BE we'll understand it.  When we Listen to the space in between our thoughts we will understand it.  When we don't judge anything we understand it.

What I mean by just be-ing is simply that.  It's not judging how we feel, it's simply recognizing how we feel and accepting it.

It's Recognizing and Accepting.

It can be anything in our lives, the pain we've gone through, the people who we believe are out to get us or who don't understand us, our reaction to something, our stress, our worries, etc.  Don't judge it, don't try to fix it, don't deny it, don't dwell on it.  Simply just be with it.  Recognize it, accept it then let it go.

Let it go.

The more we practice this the easier it will become.  Focus on your heart during the day when you're in the space between.  Joy will come with this practice.  Compassion will come into your lives.  Contentment and Peace and you'll experience a feeling of connection with all life.

Experiencing life through unconditional love is possible.  All we have to do is learn how to live from our heart centers through the practice of JUST BE-ing.

Love and Light,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Choose to place your attention

We are becoming more aware.  We are waking up.  We need to choose to place our attention on the uplifting of our vibration.

So many of us go through our days asleep, thinking we don't have a choice, reacting to life instead of creating life.  We identify ourselves with our daily habits.  Our reaction to our environment, our jobs, our interaction with our friends and family, our emotions, our aches and pains.

This is not who we are.

We are Co-Creators, We are Limitless, We are Love.

The key to uplifting our vibrations and becoming more alive and aware is to put our attention on those things that enhance us.  No longer should we give our powerful and sacred attention to things that bog us down, depress us, and creates fear in our lives.


Go into nature for a walk or to just sit and be, absorbing the healing, energizing energies that are there especially for us, listen to your favorite music that moves you and that creates a peaceful feeling in your soul, spend time with your animals.  When you are in your daily habits, pause and listen to your inner silence, breathe deeply and focus on your heart light, extend it out into your environment.  Notice when your thoughts are trailing into the negative and consciously change them by doing this.

We CAN do this.  It's our spiritual nature.  We just have to become aware of ourselves and choose to place our attention.

Love and Light,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fear Not

The first and foremost truth is Fear cannot exist in the space of Love.  If we truly experience love, we live in the light.  Fear is a manifestation of the darkness.  Living in fear limits us, imprisons us, and keeps us in slavery.  We have to let go of our fears because there really is NOTHING to fear.

There is NOTHING to fear.

I have had my experience with fear.  When I was a little lightworker I was almost constantly afraid.  I was afraid of people, I was afraid of the darkness, not the actual dark but the negative energies that were drawn to my light.  In focusing on this fear, I only drew more fearful things to me as I grew up.  I drew negative energies and negative people to me.  My greatest lesson in this life so far has been dealing with fear.  My fears have been conquered through understanding and awareness of the world I'm living in as a human being.  I think the greatest cause of fear is the unknown.  Our ego gets in the way and convinces us that we are helpless, that we aren't good enough, that we are small and powerless.

But we are NOT those things.

We are GREAT and LIMITLESS and at our core is PROFOUND LOVE!

Love does not judge, resent, envy, or condemn.  Love is not conditional.  Love is accepting, comforting, encouraging.  Love is PEACE.  I say again...  Where there is love there cannot be fear.  Open your hearts to your brothers and sisters in humanity.  Love them as you would love yourself.  Because they are you, we are all a part of each other and we are all in the same boat experiencing life on earth in this great time of change.

Fear not.

Love and light,

Monday, February 14, 2011


Forgiveness is a most important step in this shift in consciousness.  The shift into a higher frequency, into the Intuition Age, into heart consciousness.  We must be able to forgive others and ourselves.

I believe that there is actually NOTHING to forgive.  No matter what has happened to you or no matter what you have done to others.  Let me give you another way of looking at it.  I know it's a difficult thing to accept, I know because of the reactions I've seen when this is suggested.  I want you to be open-minded and open-hearted, this is a requirement, it seems, to understand this concept.

There is NOTHING to "forgive".  Even the word itself wouldn't exist in this awareness.  We have all made soul contracts.  These are contracts we have made with other people in order to experience something in order to learn something.  We have made these contracts before  incarnating into our bodies.  The people you might view as "enemies" are not.  Enemies don't exist.  We all come from the Divine Source.  We have all agreed to the experiences we experience here on earth in order to grow.

We have to ask ourselves in any situation "What have I learned from this experience?"  You may have developed a strength, independence, maybe you needed to get in touch with your emotions.  It could be anything.  We experience in order to learn.

When we hold onto hatred, anger, resentment because of this situation it only holds us in lower vibrations.  We have to let these things go.  The holding on to these emotions creates disease, stress, depression, and more.  Someone has to sign up to play the "bad guy".  We should be grateful to these souls who volunteer for these situations in order for us to learn something we require for our growth.  Here is something else very difficult to understand... There is NO Good or Bad.  Everything is good.  Everything is in our lives for our growth and we put it there.  We put the label "bad" on anything that doesn't feel good.  Why??  We learn most through suffering, that's why we come here.  It speeds up our learning process.

I only touch on these concepts.  I wish for you to be open-minded and open-hearted.  Love and accept your experience and those who have helped you to grow.  Let it go into the light, learn from it and be grateful for it.

Love and Light,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Angels wonder at our seriousness

Today, I Dance Lightly With Life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

This is the message that my guides have to keep reminding me of.  Lighten Up!!  

We take life so seriously that it creates stress and sickness to form in our lives and bodies.  Everything that we view as bad that happens to us is such a catastrophe that it devours our happiness and lowers our vibrations.  We need to raise our vibrations for the sake of humanity.  Laughter is most important medicine.  Find anything that makes you laugh and laugh so hard your eyes cry which releases tension, laugh so hard your chest and throat ache which opens your heart and throat chakras.  Seek out the joyful.  Do what makes your heart sing.  

Please don't hold onto anger, resentment, fear, and hate.  These are lower vibrations.  Forgiveness, love, acceptance, and gratitude are higher vibrations.  In order to let go of these things your perspective may require adjustment.  One of the biggest and most profound misperception in life is that we think  "Problems" ARE Problems.  Problems are only OPPORTUNITIES to recognize what needs to change in your life.  They point you in the direction your soul wants you to take.  Your soul wants something different and it communicates this through "problems".  Change usually is the result of these problems.  The problem itself is pointing in the direction where the change must take place.  If we resist the problem and hold onto it, we become sick, depressed, and stressed out.  We need to let go of these things and stop being so serious.  It's really not that serious.  

Allow yourself to fall into the "problem" examine it, be willing and open to the change it's suggesting or even sometimes forcing.  The universe will create opportunities for your growth, you've made a deal with the universe and your soul for these things to happen.  One thing I know with every fiber of my being is that the more you resist making the change the less choice your ego will have in the matter.  The soul will win and the universe will eventually force the change.  As in losing jobs, losing houses.  Our higher selves are teaming with the universe to force us to let go and make changes.  Why not be open to the change in the first place.  If you lose your job, you're supposed to do something else that brings you into a higher vibration.  Take the opportunity to find something you LOVE to do rather that what you feel you have to do.  If you lose your house and have to move in with extended family, maybe you've been cutting yourself off from relationships that could be important for your growth.  

The point is to relax a little and see opportunity rather than problems.  Let go of the old way of thinking and being. Open up to communication with your soul.  Be your authentic self and love life.

Love and Light,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just Thinking...

"Just as the rain started last night, I had a Dream.
I stood at a walled up doorway, knocking gently at first, then slamming my fists against the stones, demanding answers, wanting reasons, screaming: "You can't hide! Let me in! Tell me the truth! Let me in!"
In a deafening roar the wall crashed down, the stones crumbling before my eyes. Dust boiled up, and for a moment I could not see. Then...
I stood stunned, my raised fists trembling.
Because I had been knocking from the inside."
(From "The People of the Silence"  by Gear)

See... The answers are not outside ourselves.  In the illusion we feel separate and alone, we think that someone 'out there' that we feel is more in touch with spiritual things, someone who's psychic, someone else knows the answers and can give us reasons for our pain and suffering.  But this is the furthest from the truth.  Everything we need to know, want to know, be, do, have... it's all right here inside each and every one of us.  I know you probably think, "yeah right, I've heard all this before and no matter what I do, I still don't have the answers"  This is just your ego blocking you from the truth.  Remember the Dream?  Re-read it...

We are NOT separate and alone.

We feel each other.  We connect with each other.  The divine source some call God is in everything, INCLUDING US.   Thoughts are hovering in the air, moving through our minds.  Some we disregard, some we pay attention to.  These thoughts are the collective unconscious,  and are all of our thoughts.  We just think they are "ours" alone, that "I" thought up this great idea.  Really it's just an idea that's been floating along as a possible reality and you just happened to resonate with it and took action.  If you decided not to take action, the idea would float around again until someone did take action to bring it into existence.  Have you ever noticed that something you had an idea for that you did nothing with suddenly appears created by someone else?  You say, "Hey, that was MY idea!" Ownership is a huge illusion!  It's the ego's way of keeping us feeling separate.  We don't "own" anything.  Everything is temporary in this illusion.

It is possible to control your thoughts while still remaining open to the collective unconscious.  The ego has a lot to say and it can be very convincing!  It argues with our soul and usually wins.  It's the voice that tells us we're not good enough, we're dumb, we're ugly, we're alone, etc.  To over-ride the voice of the ego we need to learn how to connect with the divine source, your higher self, your soul.  This is a vibration, what's called your home frequency.  They say that through meditation is the way but really all you have to do to find it is to think about how you feel when you've been happy, felt joy and creative abandon. Think of those times in your life.   This is your home frequency and the vibration of your soul.  You can be in this vibration whenever you want to, you only need to remember.  This is the state of being your true self.  Whenever you find your ego wasting it's breath, reset to your home frequency.  After awhile, your ego voice will become dimmer and dimmer until it won't exist anymore.

In the state of your home frequency you see the light.  The walls WILL crash down around you and you'll truly know what it means to LOVE.

Love and Light,

Monday, January 24, 2011

My first post....

Who am I??  There are so many choices....  I hate making decisions.  I'd rather just go with the flow, that's what is comfortable to me.  But to ask Who am I??  I've been asking that since I've been born into this illusion.  Why should we label ourselves?  Why do we?  So that we can limit who we are?  Because that's what labeling ourselves ends up doing.  We play all of these roles and identify ourselves as those things.  

I'm a mother, a wife, an artist, a writer, a dreamer, a thinker, an observer, a wanderer, a creator, a multi-dimensional being.  I'm you, I'm me, I'm God.  I've been and will be everything, I AM.  We are of the light, all one, and we are waking up.  Waking up from the dream and emerging out of the illusion we all helped to create.  It is time.  

I will quote The Beatles here...  "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together."  From The Walrus.

I don't know if anyone will see this, I don't know if anyone really cares.  But if you do then this is for you and me.  Take what you will and throw out what doesn't resonate with you because what resonates in your soul, what strikes your tone is what your soul wants you to know.  So pay attention to how you feel, notice the book that jumps off the shelf at your feet or one that's misplaced at the book store or library, hear what someone just said on the subway that you've been wondering about for days now.  These are not coincidences.  There are no accidents.  Everything is in perfect order and everything is as it should be.  We are being contacted by our own souls whose voice has been drowned out by our egos.  This is our divine connection and it will come through in any way it can.  All you have to do is NOTICE.  Be still in your busy day, you can do it.  Find your center, your own personal vibration and JUST BE. Just be....  Can you even fathom that concept?  To not react, to not dwell, to not judge, just be... just... be.  It's the most peaceful thing you'll ever experience.  It's heaven on earth.

This is my way of reaching out and touching someone else's soul.  I hope you learn to enjoy life.

Love and Light,